Dr Solomon Bendayan

Specializes in Francophone medical schools, CGEP, Med-P and bilingual CASPer/MMI preparation.

Solomon is a medical doctor currently specializing in internal medicine at McGill University. He has been successfully coaching students pursuing medical school, dental school, residency programs, and various other university programs. Solomon is a passionate mentor, always there to answer questions and facilitate your experience in the application process. He specializes in Francophone medical schools, CGEP, Med-P and bilingual CASPer/MMI preparation.

When he is not working, he is a passionate wake-boarder, martial artist, and alpine skier.

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UBC MMI Writing Station

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Thank you for booking a single coaching session with MedApps. We are currently reviewing your submission and one of our medical advisors will be in touch.

For immediate assistance: [email protected]

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Thank you for booking a consultation with MedApplications. We are currently reviewing your submission and one of our medical advisors will be in touch.

For immediate assistance: [email protected]