Last Updated on April 10, 2024

Top 5 Tips

Acing the CASPer® Test

Getting a better score in your CASPer® test for medical schools requires adequate preparation and well-calculated approach to each question. In fact, experts advise that you should first practice writing the test.

Keep in mind that you will be faced with 12 different scenarios in the CASPer® test. Some of these scenarios will be videos and others will be text-based. Each of these 12 sections will have three questions.

Learn the top five tips discussed below if you want to ace the CASPer® test.

Acing the CASPer Test

1.State your action or decision precisely first:

Instead of stating what they would do in a given situation, most candidates rush to list down the benefits and limitations of an argument. Apart from failing to answer the question precisely, such a move will also increase the risk of running out of time.

Try as much as you can to reveal that you’re not scared of making decisions guided by reasoned patient-centred ethos and thoughtful moral compass especially in complicated situations.

2. Highlight the moral and ethical issues that show up to reveal that you can spot them:

You should focus on using the common language around medical ethics including “do no harm” instead of using jargon related to medicine. Before your interview day, ensure that you have read Philip Herbert’s Doing Right: A Practical Guide to Ethics for Medical Trainees and Physicians and understood some of the issues that Philip discusses in this book. Keep in mind that you will be required to read and review this book when you get admitted in the medical school and before your licensing examination.

3. Focus on information collection:

During the 90-minute test, you will be required to answer all the questions in the 12 scenarios and you will be surprised how things will be moving fast. This is the primary reason practice is the only relevant approach to preparation of the ethos definition test.

Once you state your action or decision, ensure that you write a summary of what you considered for you to make that decision. Instead of saying, “I will collect information,” consider saying something like, “I will find out more about the relationship with her guardian to determine if there is any conflict, tension, or violence that might be impacting the child’s actions.”

4. Addressing Marginalized Populations:

Some scenarios might require your opinion regarding a member of a marginalized population. Keep in mind that the choices for such situations are limitless. Your evaluators are in search of appropriate language, the sense that you can or have interacted with people from diverse backgrounds, religions, abilities, and more.

5. Clarity:

When taking your CASPer® test, avoid fluffy phrases and words because they will prevent you from saying anything meaningful and will make you seem indecisive. The test seems to be in favour of people who make fast decisions and understand themselves well. Therefore, it’s advisable to say what you mean.

Though you may not rehearse the answers required in the CASPer® test, you can still prepare and perform better in the test.

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