Last Updated on August 14, 2020

We analyzed the CaRMS 2020 Match Data and distilled the statistics into a few main points. At MedApplications we use an evidence based approach to everything that we do. Here are some nice facts relevant for IMGs applying back to Canada. The official data report has not been released for 2020, so keep your eyes open. We will soon know quotas and specific numbers allocated per specialty across Canada. Here are some of the stats we found for the 2020 Match. In general the same trends we have seen year in and year out hold true.

If you don’t want to read the whole blog here are the main points:

  1. About 10% of IMGs were successful in the Match
  2. Over 3000 IMGs applied
  3. Approximately 25% of IMGs receive Interviews
  4. Most Spots are awarded to Family Medicine
  5. Australian Medical Graduates Performed Very Well
  6. The sooner you apply from graduating Medical School the better
  • Oceania/Pacific Islands had a match rate of 63% – This is the highest match rate we have seen with regards to Region. These regions include: Australia & New Zealand. At MedApplications we partner with many Australian Schools through Oztrekk. We have supported many students at University of Queensland.
  • 3072 IMG applicants participated in the CaRMS 2020 Match and only 325 matched. This basically means that taking no specific factors into account you have about a 10% chance of matching. This is fairly consistent from year to year. There is a slight leaning towards success from Australian schools but this is not statistically significant.
  • 25% of the IMGs who apply to CaRMS are offered an Interview. 75% do not receive an interview. If you get even one interview, remember this fact and be thankful as a lot of your fellow IMGs will receive nothing.
  • Current year graduates (recent graduates from Medical School) that applied to CaRMS had a 61.3% match rate where as previous year graduate (those graduating more than 1 year out) had a 23.9% match rate. This is something to pay attention to when considering whether to work an internship year or directly enter the match. Certain programs place an emphasis on year of graduation, the further out you are the lower you score on this category.
  • Family Medicine Specific Fact: There were 1019 IMG applicants to Family Medicine and 289 matched. For other specialities we will be awaiting final data.
  • Overall this year’s match was fairly consistent compared to prior years. No surprises. Just as tough. Increasingly competitive and a big favouring of family medicine residency position.

The take home message is that although the CaRMS match was tough it IS possible to succeed with the right support, the right ingredients and the right approach.

Stay tuned for more information as it becomes available.

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